Braces for Kids, Teens, and Adults: When Should You Get Them?


Orthodontic treatment is something most people should have at some point in their lives. Straight teeth and a properly aligned bite not only make a great smile, it also promotes better oral health throughout your life. 

When is the best time in a person’s life to get braces? It depends on a number of factors. The best age for braces will vary from one person to another. Here’s what you need to know about the timing of orthodontic treatment for yourself or your child. 

What Are Braces? 

Braces are typically made of metal but they can also be made of tooth-colored ceramic, otherwise known as clear brackets. Brackets are small, square-shaped pieces that attach to the front of each tooth. The brackets act as anchors for the archwire, which stretches across all of the brackets on each row of teeth. Braces gradually shift the teeth into proper alignment, ensuring that the upper teeth meet together with the lower teeth as they should. 

How Do I Know if Braces Are Necessary? 

To find out if you or your child may need braces, you’ll need an orthodontic evaluation. This will consist of a visual assessment of your teeth and bite, as well as digital X-rays to get a view of the teeth and jaw structure below the gums. After a thorough evaluation your orthodontist will make a recommendation for treatment, which may begin right away, or may be postponed until a later date depending on the situation. 

Recommended Age for an Orthodontic Evaluation 

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child have an orthodontic evaluation around the age of 7. By this age some of the permanent teeth are in place, allowing your orthodontist to assess the growth and shape of your jaw as well as the development of your teeth. 

Some children may need interceptive orthodontics at this age, which is the official name for early orthodontic treatment. Other children may not need treatment until they are older. Your orthodontist will want to see your child every 6-12 months to monitor their dental development until the time is right to begin treatment. 

Best Age For Braces 

There is not a single best age for braces that will apply to all patients. The most common stage of life where children often get braces is during adolescence, or between the ages of 10 and 14. There are a number of reasons for this: 

  • Permanent teeth are (mostly) in place. By the age of 12, most children will have lost the majority of their baby teeth and most of their permanent teeth will be in place. The goal of orthodontic treatment is to align the permanent teeth so that they remain in the proper position for a lifetime. 
  • The teeth are easier to shift. Adolescence is a time of significant growth spurts, which results in a more malleable jaw in which the teeth can be shifted with greater ease. Orthodontic treatment can be completed in a shorter amount of time for adolescents than adults. 
  • Social acceptance. As it is normal for older children and teens to get braces, it is more socially acceptable and less daunting. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Braces 

How long will my child need to wear braces?

The length of treatment depends on a variety of factors such as the complexity of the case and the age of the patient. On average, a patient may spend around two years in braces.

Can adults get braces?

Just because it is more common during adolescence doesn’t mean adults can’t also get braces. Many adults choose to straighten their teeth in order to improve their oral health and their smile. 

Schedule an Orthodontic Evaluation

If you’re wondering if and when you or your child should get braces, schedule an evaluation with Dr. Suzanne Stock. Contact us today to find out more and make an appointment at our practice location that is most convenient for you.